
Extra Large Burgundy Escargots - 6 Dozen

Common Name:
Roman snail, Burgundy snail, edible snail, escargot
Scientific Name:
Helix Pomatia
Country of origin:
72 pieces
Regular product price:
Burgundy Snails, Water
Current stock: 17971


Escargots from Burgundy, France

6 DOZEN per can, Net Wt. 28.2 oz (15.9 oz drained)

Make your next dinner party a memorable one. An exotic delicacy of culinary elegance. Delightful to one's palate. The Helix Burgundy snail originating from France is considered the world's finest. Each snail meat is plump and tender and can be eaten alone with garlic butter or used to enhance many exquisite dishes. There are 116 types of edible snails, and the Helix Pomatia Linne is the unanimously proclaimed #1 in terms of flavor and texture. Nicknamed the "Land Lobster", it exhibits a similar texture to lobster, with an earthier flavor.

These escargots are 100% natural, 100% organic, and have very high nutritive levels. Not all escargot you buy are Helix Burgundy snails, in fact many are from all over the world including Malaysia, Ecuador and China. They are the very best in quality, size, taste and texture.

Empty shells available here.

Meat of Helix Pomatiasnail-pic-black-and-grey.jpg


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