We are always looking to build a long term relationship with new business partners. Caviar Star works with chefs, distributors and wholesalers to help them find the products their customers need at affordable prices. We value your business and want to grow together, so please let us know how we may better serve you.
Contact us for more information on our products and to receive a current distributor price list.
Caviar Star is able to ship certain products to international buyers. It is the customer's responsibility to pay any tariffs, duties and additional fees that their country charges on imports. Non perishable goods will be sent via USPS. For overseas customers interested in perishable goods, please contact us to arrange a shipment.
International Trading
We specialize in the international distribution of caviar exports. Since 1989, we have been packing and shipping fresh, pasteurized and frozen American caviar and roe products to customers worldwide. We offer a variety of products such as Chum, Pink, Coho and King Salmon roe, Paddlefish caviar, American sturgeon, golden whitefish roe, trout roe and American bowfin to customers packed to their specifications. We are willing to ship orders exceeding 100kg of product to a number of countries around the world. For more information on our products, packaging and processes associated with caviar export visit greatatlantictradinginc.com.
We are a HAACP, NOAA and FDA certified facility with over 8,500 square feet of production, office and ware housing space.
Our cold storage capacity consists of three walk in coolers and two freezers. For high volume production we have sealing equipment that was imported from Europe, two vacuum jar capers, two tin vacuum machines and one large vacuum machine.
We have a new state of the art pasteurizing machine that can pasteurize up to 1500 jars per hour in various sized containers.
CITES - Trust and Traceability
All sturgeon and paddlefish fish products & caviar imported and or exported into any country worldwide must have a CITES permit (Convention Of International Trade In Endangered Species) to prove the products were harvested legally and without detriment to the species in accordance with the international CITES law. All imports and exports must be labeled with the CITES number for each individual lot and a copy of this document must be kept on file to prove the goods were of legal status. For more information on Great Atlantic's worldwide offerings visit greatatlantictradinginc.com.
Products and species that require CITES documents for international trade:
Siberian Sturgeon Caviar - Acipenser Baerii
White Sturgeon Caviar - Acipenser Transmontanus
Kaluga Sturgeon Caviar - Huso dauricus
Beluga Sturgeon Caviar - Huso Huso
Seruga Sturgeon Caviar - Acipenser Stellatus
Hackleback Sturgeon Caviar - Scaphirhynchus Platorynchus
Paddlefish Caviar - Polyodon Spathula
Contact us for more information on international shipping.