One liter of superior, unfiltered, 100% authentic extra-virgin olive oil, obtained directly from freshly harvested olives in southern Italy. This dark green olive oil is created from a variety of Italian olives, known for their green color and decidedly fruity-yet-spicy taste. The olives are grown using no chemical products, fertilizers, herbicides or anti-parasitic agents. European Community norms and regulations are rigorously applied in all stages of production, and production practices are strictly controlled by the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (A.I.A.B.) to ensure this oil to be and not subjected to any unnatural processes. The oil is bottled immediately after leaving the mill. In order to really appreciate its fruity taste, it is best used to season salads, legumes, toasted bread.
The Farchioni family of Umbria has one of the longest running traditions of olive oil procurement, dating back as the early 1800's when they first began grinding olives near Spoleto. At the beginning of the twentieth century, (1920) the activity was transferred to its present location in Perugia, chosen by Pompeo Farchioni, father and grandfather of the current partners. Right from the start, a strong link with local agriculture characterized the activity of the Farchioni family, which has consequently held a position of significant social relevance as an engine in the development of the area's economy, thereby contributing to the well being and wealth of many employees and their families. The company structure has always remained that of a family-run concern, a quality which is indispensable to ensure continuity across the generations: the current partners in the Ltd Company being descendants of the founders.