Caviar Star

Shell Caviar Utensils (Spoon, Fork, Knife)

$4.50 - $12.00
Common Name:
Sea shell, river shell
Country of Origin:
Utensil Type *
Current stock: 0


Shell Caviar Spoons, Escargot Forks and Pate Knives

These handcrafted shell utensils are collected from river mollusks and hand-crafted into unique spoons for caviar, forks for escargots and knives for pate and butter. Polished and made from 100% natural shells, these small utensil can help enhance the service for any specialty foods with an elegant presentation. While metal and wooden serving ware can often contaminate the taste of fine foods such as caviar, these beautiful utensils are perfect for serving without corrupting the product's flavor.


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Additional Info

Common Name:
Sea shell, river shell
Country of Origin:

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