Easy Guide to Partying with Caviar | How to Caviar

Looking for a quick and easy way to impress your party guests? Look no further than caviar. Synonymous with class and sophistication, your soiree will be all that and more as long as you follow these helpful tips:
Cured, unfertilized fish eggs (“roe") a delicacy enjoyed around the world.
One teaspoon of caviar is only about 15 calories… and you get health benefits like protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3’s.
Step 1: Choose the right caviar
Find a sustainable version, with the species name disclosed. There are more caviar purveyors than ever these days. Look for a company with a long-standing history, large variety of choices, and money-back guarantee--like Caviar Star! Also, make sure you know what species you are buying (ex. Osetra is Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii, Kaluga Hybrid is Huso Dauricus x Acipenser Schenkii), many companies mislead customers with ambiguous species terms, for example, calling a Baerii (Siberian) “Ossetra” because they’re similar in flavor… but the truth is they’re just trying to make a higher profit with species ambiguity!! Buyer beware.
Pick your price point.
We recommend high-end sturgeon caviar for parties. If you're looking to save some money, buy a fast-growing species like wild American Hackleback. Spend more to upgrade to creamy, delicious Siberian (baerii) and a bit more up to the beloved Kaluga, White Sturgeon, Osetra, or Beluga Hybrid (because pure species is illegal to import to US). 1 ounce of caviar will give you a good size scoop for 3 to 4 people. I would say 2 caviar lovers could definitely split a 1 oz size easily but it depends on the crowd and how you decide to serve it (prepped bites a la carte or scoops from a serving dish, etc.).
You can also opt for a budget-friendly "red caviar" or non-sturgeon roe to add some variety, like Salmon, Rainbow Trout or party-pleasing naturally cold-smoked bourbon barrel Rainbow Trout Roe.
Step 2: Serve it like a pro.
Create a “Caviar Board” like a charcuterie board, where you put everything out on a tray and let guests choose their own combos
OR put it in a fancy caviar server next to a tray of classic accompaniments (onions, egg, creme fraiche, etc) for self-service.
OR make an amuse-bouche platter! Easy to grab and pop in your mouth. Top some blinis or toast points with a dab of crème fraîche or fine European butter, maybe a slice of smoked salmon, a nice scoop of caviar, garnish with herbs or gold flake. This is where you can keep it very simple or get as creative as you'd like!
– Keep it cold: Serve it in the original container on top of ice. Check out our unique caviar servers here.
– Spoons: Fancy silver may create an off-putting metallic taste as the caviar hits your tongue, so it's advised to use mother-of-pearl, ceramic, glass, or natural materials like bone or horn. There are plenty of official caviar spoons to choose from here.
– Food pairings: Keep it light to let the caviar shine. Serve blinis (buy here), boiled or smashed fingerling potatoes, plain toast points, or unsalted kettle potato chips.
– Garnishes: Have bowls of chopped red or sweet onions, hardboiled egg whites and yokes separated, chives, dill, crème fraîche, or lemon wedges (for aesthetics only + those who for some odd reason can't quite handle the caviar straight up and want to cover with lemon.. yet).
*Note: Swap crème fraîche for low-fat sour cream or full-fat plain Greek yogurt to lower the fat and calorie content.
– Just a dab will do: Make sure to get enough caviar per bite for the full effect. At least 1 tsp to 10g per serving.
Step 3: Get your drink on.
Drinks: Pair with bubbly like a chilled, dry Champagne or Prosecco.
Do as the Russians do and cleanse your pallet between bites with a nice Vodka. Jazz it up with a vodka martini.
For a non-alcoholic option, try sparkling water + bitters and a lemon wedge.
Be adventurous but stay away from more complex flavors like red wine or bourbon when enjoying fine sturgeon caviar.
Enjoy your caviar party.