How do I open my jar and/or tin of caviar?

All the perishable caviar products sold by Caviar Star come in vacuum sealed containers. Whether it's our screw-top vacuum jars or pop-down vacuum tins, our containers are sealed tight to ensure that the caviar remains fresh and uncontaminated for the duration of its trip to the customer.

Although using air-tight containers to minimize air exposure and other contaminants is important, these jars and tins can really cause a headache, or hand-ache, when trying to get them open.

Best methods for opening vacuum jars and tins: Rather than using your hands, reach into your pocket and pull out a coin, or track down a tool like a butter knife or church-key bottle openerApplying a little pressure between the lip of the lid and the threading of the base will break the seal and pop open your caviar jar or caviar tin quite easily.

Any metal object with a thin edge is perfect for applying leverage under the lid and on top of the separating it from the base. There are specially made caviar openers aka "caviar keys" available for purchase too.

Best methods for opening slip tins and OTs: Opening rubber banded slip tins and original tins (OTs) are a different story than opening vacuum containers. A butter knife or similar object can help get the rubber band off the container, but the lid and base remain very difficult to separate because of the lack of air inside the tin. Tap the top of the lid with your metal object to purge the vacuum-like environment inside the container, and then try to pull the top and bottom apart slowly. Repeat hitting the tin and pulling it apart with your hands (gloves help) until enough air has entered the container for the two halves to slip apart.

While these slip-tins are less common for retail sale, we do have 50, 125, 250 and 500 gram metal slip tins, and 500, 1000, and 1750 gram plastic slip tins available for use upon request.

For more frequently asked questions regarding caviar, please visit our caviar faqs page.